While essential oils are most frequently used during aromatherapy to improve people’s mood, increase performance at work, stress reduction, and increase attentiveness, many people often wonder, can the essential oils also be utilized in cooking?
doTERRA Essential oils are tested and certified as safe to be used in cooking and beverages. They contain a handful of benefits that are quite helpful to the body. When using doTERRA essential oil in your food, ensure you use it in small amounts.
By the end of this post, you will be able to know whether doTERRA Essential oil can be used in cooking and your drinks. We have also outlined a few fundamental tips that you can incorporate while using doTERRA essential oil when cooking.
Can You Cook with doTERRA Essential Oils?
doTERRA essential oils can most certainly be used in the kitchen. While it’s difficult to keep track of all the different ways doTERRA essential oils can be used, incorporating them into your food is a great use that you may not have thought of.
Since essential oils have such a heavy concentration, a little goes a long way, and the health advantages are vast.
When you cook using essential oils, you reap a slew of advantages, including the following:
- Adding to the flavor
- Provides the body with health benefits
- Practical and safe for consumption
doTERRA oils are extensively tested and recertified for safety, and you can be confident that it is the best grade oil. Because the oils are so concentrated, only a few drops are needed to get the full flavor and effect, extending the life of your oils.
Cooking with unstable essential oils is different when cooking hot meals because heat can degrade these delicate oils. Ensure you mix your diluted essential oil in your food once it has finished cooking. However, note that some of the attributes of baked meals will be lost, but this is to be expected.
Unfortunately, some malicious companies add fillers and alternative ingredients to improve the aroma and volume of the oil, making it dangerous to consume. For this reason, ensure you only get the most trusted and popular brand of essential oils, in this case, doTERRA.
Is it Safe to Use Essential Oils in the Kitchen?
Essential oils have been increasingly popular in recent years. Just add several ounces of lavender oil to your spa items, and you are guaranteed an amazing time. Although you may appreciate the pleasant aroma floating through your house, you should know that essential oils work well in the kitchen and the spa.
When manufactured properly, they are safe to use in cooking, like almond extract or vanilla.
It is also crucial to know where your essential oils originate from and their grade before choosing which ones to use in cooking. Several of the most inexpensive types are only suitable for aromas and smells due to the quality of the plants used and how they are harvested.
Significantly greater compounds used in cooking will be branded as 100% pure and with the term “Food Grade” on the label. doTerra and other companies sell safe and beneficial goods to one’s health when utilized appropriately.
It’s important to remember that not all essential oils are made the same. Some people are affected by various aromatherapy oils, so make sure the oils are safe to eat. Also, ensure you do not have any allergies to any ingredients before putting a drop into your dish.
Can You Add doTERRA to Drinks?
Another approach to absorbing the benefits and flavor of DoTERRA essential oils is by adding a few drops to drinks such as smoothies and water. For instance, lavender essential oil infuses lemonade tea with a delightful flavor.
it’s safe to add a few drops of essential oils to drinks. It can help boost your mood, reduce stress and increase attentiveness.
However, drinking pure essential oils may burn the mucosa present in your mouth, gut lining, and other parts of your digestive tract.
Grapefruit oil also can change a mundane glass of water into a delectable pleasure. Add several drops to a cup of purified water, stir, drink and enjoy. You will find it a lot easier and more enjoyable to achieve your daily water requirements this way.
The Fundamentals of Cooking with Essential Oils
Using essential oils when cooking can improve the flavor of your meal while also simplifying its preparation. While spices can always enhance taste and aroma, it is often simpler and more effective to incorporate a little essential oil into your cooking rather than spending time preparing spices.
Essential oils can be substituted for artificial flavorings such as lemon or orange in meals. There are a few things, however, that you need to bear in mind when cooking with essential oils:
Adjust the Quantity
Remember that essential oil is a highly concentrated form of the underlying component. Essential oil, similar to how cinnamon sticks use more room than cinnamon powder, should be used in fewer amounts than the whole component.
While there is no blanket policy for replacing essential oils with whole spices, a reasonable general rule is that one drop equals approximately a teaspoon.
As Needed, Adjust the Dilution
When essential oils are utilized in cooking, they must be diluted with lipids like coconut oil. While the main reason is to ensure the oil’s safety, it also guarantees even distribution of oil and flavor all across the food.
Additionally, adding syrup works well in sweet recipes.
Add the Oil. Once the Food has Finished Cooking
It is critical to add the essential oil to hot foods after cooking. Do not add the essential oil during or before you cook.
Essential oils are called “volatile oils” because they are sensitive and will swiftly disperse when exposed to high heat. Mix in your diluted essential oil after the meal has completed cooking on the heat.
Wrapping Up
Preparing food with essential oils is an enjoyable and straightforward method to boost your food’s taste while enjoying each oil’s health benefits. Using essential oils in the kitchen will vary according to your personal preferences, the type of food being prepared, and the oil used.
Be very careful of the brand that you use. Only use certified and tested brands of essential oil. Stay away from essential oils that you are allergic and that way, you are safe to cook with doTERRA products.

I currently work as a medical receptionist, but my ultimate goal is to work as an occupational therapy assistant. Helping others achieve a better quality of life is something I’m after. That’s one of the main reasons I started this blog. Learn more about me.