Wallflowers look like nightlights, and are plugged into the wall to eject consistent, and usually strongly-scented aromas into a space. There are a lot of different wallflower oils and refills out there, so you’re bound to find your perfect wallflower scent.
Reed diffusers, on the other hand, are not electric and rely on sticks to gently encourage a scent throughout a space. You won’t often catch a reed diffuser spreading anything stronger than a gentle wisp of a scent.
With introductions out of the way, is it possible to use wallflower oil in a reed diffuser?
Yes, you can enjoy a wallflower oil scent in a reed diffuser, but there are a few things to keep in mind before you start transferring scents.
Keep reading to learn more!
What Is In Wallflower Oil?
It depends on where you’re buying your wallflower from. Bath and Body works makes a plethora of sweet-scented wallflowers (along with refills) which are almost entirely artificial. After all, it would be pretty difficult to make a “Pumpkin Pecan Waffles” that smells like maple syrup and golden waffles without at least a few artificial ingredients.
However, there are more natural wallflower oils out there, too. You can even make your own with water and essential oils. Carrier oil, like almond oil, can also be used instead of water.
Other wallflowers are made from concentrated blends of fruit, tree, or flower essences.
The bottom line is that every wallflower oil may vary a little bit depending on its scent and the brand.
What Is In a Reed Diffuser?
Reed diffuser fragrance isn’t very different from what you might find in a wallflower. It’s usually a fragrance mixed with oil or water.
One of the biggest differences between the two is how they are marketed. Reed diffusers are often considered ‘natural’ and can look very chic if styled correctly. They can also be very expensive.
Wallflowers, although they can be nice, aren’t marketed the same way. Their scents can be fun and more experimental and aren’t necessarily targeted towards an audience concerned about aromatherapy or interested in exploring the benefits of essential oils.
Reed diffuser oil also contains high-proof alcohol, like Isopropyl Alcohol, or even vodka! Alcohol helps the scented liquid move up the reeds, where they will eventually make their way around the room.
Without alcohol, a reed diffuser would just be a bottle with some ornamental reeds sticking out of it. Although that still sounds pretty, it’s not very effective.
What Wallflower Oils Aren’t Safe?
We haven’t found a specific type of oil that isn’t safe, however, you should be wary of how much wallflower oil you put in a reed diffuser. Wallflower oil is incredibly concentrated, so much so that it can damage wood if it comes in contact with it.
A diffuser should contain no more than 25% wallflower oil. The rest of the diffuser should be filled with a carrier oil, or a mix of water and high-proof alcohol.
This will save you a lot of money trying to fill up the reed diffuser bottle with several wallflower oil containers, and it will ensure you don’t accidentally overpower your house with scent!
We also wouldn’t recommend pouring wallflower oil into anything but a glass or ceramic container. Some wallflower oils can eat away at plastic, which would end up causing a leak in the bottle and ruin all of your beautiful furniture!
DIY Wallflower Oil
If you have a wallflower that’s about to run out, or already has, don’t jump online to buy a refill from a store. You can make your own at home that will be more natural, and offer more aromatherapeutic benefits than a store-bought option.
Firstly you will want to give your empty wallflower a really good wash (just the glass part, obviously). You could even let the small bottle soak in some sudsy water to make sure every last remnant of its previous scent has been washed away.
Now, you’ll have to decide whether you want to use oil or water as your base for the wallflower liquid. Some people prefer to use oil since water (mostly tap water) may carry bacteria in it, which might mold.
However, it mainly depends on what you have lying around. There isn’t a wrong option.
Once you’ve decided on your base, add 20 to 30 drops of essential oil into the container. We would start with 20 and see how you feel after a day or two. It’s always easier to add more oil than to try to take oil away!
Give your mixture a good shake and you’re ready to start diffusing with your new wallflower. Have fun playing with homemade blends, or experimenting with different essential oils to see which one gives off the right energy for your space.
Just keep in mind that some essential oils are not safe for pets or young children, so do your research beforehand. Cats are particularly sensitive to scent molecules, so exercise caution when trying to use essential oils around them!
Turning the Wallflower Oil into Reed Diffuser Oil
To make your wallflower oil a reed diffuser oil, add more carrier oil or water to the blend to bulk it up. You’ll then want to add your high-proof alcohol to the mixture.
Water-based liquids will need a lot more alcohol. The finished reed diffuser liquid should be about half alcohol and half water.
Just make sure to mix the alcohol and essential oils together well before adding the water.
If you’re using oil, we recommend one to two tablespoons of high-proof alcohol for your reed diffuser. This will be enough to stimulate the liquid up the reeds.
In Conclusion
If you’ve got a wallflower you’re not using, try making it into reed diffuser liquid, especially if you find the original wallflower scent too overpowering. Remember to add enough carrier oil, and don’t forget the high-proof alcohol. Anything with a 90 percent proof will do.
Are you a wallflower person or a reed diffuser person? We’d love to hear your thoughts!
Happy Oiling!

I currently work as a medical receptionist, but my ultimate goal is to work as an occupational therapy assistant. Helping others achieve a better quality of life is something I’m after. That’s one of the main reasons I started this blog. Learn more about me.